Posted on October 15, 2009 - GC906
Company: Hamilton Hall Soles/Ray & Berndtson
Position: Chief Executive Officer
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Contact Name: Tammy Connelly
Job Description
Accelerating the flow of big ideas and new technologies to the marketplace is the impetus behind the creation of Tecterra Inc., an Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Research and Commercialization and a federally funded Centre of Excellence for Commercialization and Research (CECR). Tecterra will support applied research and commercialization of technology focused on geomatics-based, intelligent, integrated resource management tools to manage Canada’s land and natural resources. Researchers in Alberta are already recognized for their breakthroughs in the field of geomatics. With over $30 million in confirmed funding from the Alberta Advanced Education and Technology, Federal Government, and industry partners, Tecterra immediately takes its place in the international forefront of ICT development.
With your experience as an executive level business leader with product development and commercialization success, you will have the opportunity to lead an organization that begins its commercialization mission with enormous credibility and intellectual assets. Hosted in Calgary’s Research Park, Tecterra will undertake guided strategic research, idea-to-implementation and industry-sponsored projects through collaborative efforts between the University of Calgary, University of Lethbridge, University of Alberta, government and industry. The resulting new products and technologies will drive next generation economic growth, jobs and acclaim for Alberta and Canada.
Working with a newly formed Industry-led Board of Directors and some of the world’s pre-eminent geomatics researchers, you will become Tecterra’s inaugural builder, relationship developer and commercialization leader. Working with Alberta’s top universities, the resource community (both government and industry) and information and communication technology channels, you will become a champion of the power of geomatics on a provincial, national and global stage. With at least fifteen years of technology commercialization experience, you have led a successful start-up of an ICT product line or business and have ideally worked productively across sectors with business, academia and governments.
In addition to this important CEO recruitment, Tecterra is also working to expand its Board and is seeking nominations and expressions of interest for selection of Members of the Board of Directors.
To explore these opportunities further, please forward your resume to: or phone 403-410-6700 or submit your resume and related information online at
Job Qualifications
Other Information
Hamilton Hall Soles/Ray & Berndtson
Suite 1600, 250 - 6th Ave. SW
Calgary, AB
T2P 3H7
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