Posted on February 25, 2005 - GC242

Company: UNCAPSA
Position: Database Management Specialist
Location: Bogor, Indonsia
Salary: expenses covered
Contact Name: Taco Bottema
Deadline: March 31, 2005

Job Description

Employment Opportunity - 2 years

United Nations Centre for Alleviation of Poverty through Secondary Crops’ Development in Asia and the Pacific (CAPSA) in cooperation with a Canadian volunteer agency.

Important note: This opportunity is only available for applicants who are legally eligible to work in Canada. It is a ‘volunteer’ position, in that monetary compensation consists of an allowance for flights, housing, and other basic living expenses. This is the first of a multi-stage hiring process, wherein potentially suitable applicants will be identified by CAPSA. CAPSA will then forward the names of these applicants to their Canadian volunteer agency partner, for further interviews and candidate selection.

Please send your résumé and cover letter to before 3/31/2005.

Preferred format: compressed/zipped Microsoft Word file (not .pdf).

After the assignment the Database Management Specialist will be able to • To take on a leading role on the database management side in multidisciplinary modeling teams; • Supervise computer staff handling big databases; • To help design output modules; • Communicate with users in multi-stakeholder structure; and • To write independently progress reports as well as substantive reports.

Job Qualifications

University degree in computer science, Land Use Economics. Specialization in database modeling and GIS desirable.

Minimum of two years of work experience in database management applied GIS or related field desirable.

Other Information

CAPSA: The Centre for Alleviation of Poverty through Secondary Crops’s Development in Asia and the Pacific (CAPSA) is a subsidiary body of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN/ESCAP), one of the regional institutes of the UN/ESCAP. The Centre’s name was changed from CGPRT centre to CAPSA, since April 2004 in the 60th Session of ESCAP, aligning the Centre to poverty alleviation.

The Centre has two integrated programmes: the R&D programme with two on-going projects in eight countries in Asia, and the ISDB programme, focusing on information and statistical databases, serving projects and users, with modeling and programme grids, throughout the region. Currently, the CGPRT Centre is realigning its activities to the main millennium goal (eradicate hunger and extreme poverty).

ISDB: The Information Services and Database (ISDB) has a history going back 20 years. In the course of time than CGPRT Centre has accumulated huge datasets covering major agriculture land use data at the district level up to 40 years in 8 countries in Asia. This dataset has been used widely as statistical base line information to assess policy impact in rural areas.

CAPSA has been requested by the MoA of Indonesia to assist it in helping it to help its poverty alleviation oriented integrated programmes at the national level. To this end CAPSA has entered to a collaborative arrangement with the Ministry of Agriculture in Indonesia to add the main poverty indicators to the current programme and policy grid. The poverty alleviation programmes are being coordinated by the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, among others. CAPSA is also entering a collaborative arrangement with the World Bank Poverty Programme, which was funded by Netherlands’ trustfunds.

An extra effort into the conceptual and is urgently required and initial team has been established composed of the Ministry of Agriculture, staff of CAPSA and consultants. At this stage CAPSA needs to strengthen its manpower to cope with the expanded workload.

Bogor: facilities and environment

Bogor is located at 40 km from Jakarta, in the foothills of several volcanic mountains. Climate is cool. Being famous for its impressive botanical garden, it hosts the leading agriculture university and some 36 institutes, including six international Centres, and a number of projects. It features one International School, till grade 8, leading to the IB stream in international education. There are also cheaper English language schools. The surroundings of Bogor are beautiful, there are a number of social groups sharing fun and recreation. It has hospitals, doctors, shops and supermarkets. Good houses in quiet and safe neighborhoods are easy to find, and rents vary between 150 to 800 US$ /month. Out of town there are also many houses available in housing estates, many with golf courses.

Jalan Merdeka 145

Bogor, Indonesia, JB
(62-251) 336290
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